
Monday, August 29, 2011

World Events in Prophecy: (DebkaFile) NEWSDAY Monday 30 AV 5771 -August 29 2011-


Tue August 30, 2011
Breaking News
 European Union's 27 members approve ban on crude oil imports from Syria over the Assad regime's deadly crackdown on protest • This the most damaging sanction so far enforced against Damascus • Qaddafi's wife Safia and three of his children Aysha, Hannibal and Mohammed, crossed into Algeria from Libya Monday morning • This was confirmed by the foreign ministry in Algiers • Libyan rebels refuse to extradite Lockerbie bomber Megrahi to the US for trial • They claim he is "slipping in and out of a coma" • Barak: We are trying to pre-empt more terrorist attacks on the Eilat Highway • We know several cells are getting set for raids • In 10 days, a third Iron Dome missile interceptor will in place for defending Ashdod • Security sources: The Palestinian who injured eight people in Tel Aviv was not a loner. He was sent to the club specifically for a multiple casualty attack • Israel's chief of staff orders Gaza, Egyptian border units reinforced after Jihad Islami attack warning • PA head Mahmoud Abbas released 40 Hamas terrorists from Palestinian jails for Ramadan • At least 26 people were killed by Hurricane Irene in eight US states • Israel's central bank leaves interest unchanged at 3.25 % • 
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis August 29, 2011, 12:30 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tel Aviv taxi wielded for terror


The policy of military restraint pursued by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak was shown in the Tel Aviv attack by a Palestinian terrorist yelling Allah Akhbar Monday, Aug. 29, to have crossed a dangerous red line: Civilians are being left in harm's way to serve diplomatic interests such as not further straining relations with the new rulers in Cairo. An Israeli defense official has admitted that Iran fears American – not Israeli – military strength, thereby confessing to Israel's loss of deterrence. 


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The CIA Stripped Qaddafi of His Defenses 
His Tripoli commanders left their posts for hefty bribes. 
A New NATO-GCC Alliance 
After Libya, NATO powers may fight Gulf Arab wars starting in Syria. 
Libya as the Next Afghanistan 
Al Qaeda is bidding for a launching pad in Libya against Europe. 


Palestinian terror attack in Tel Aviv injures eight 
DEBKAfile Special Report
August 29, 2011, 5:31 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Terror   Tel Aviv   West Bank 


Eight people were injured in South Tel Aviv early Monday, Aug. 29, when a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Nablus grabbed a taxi, ran over pedestrians, jumped out outside a night club and stabbed four Border Police officers, two seriously, at a checkpoint. He shouted Allah Akhbar and verses from the Koran throughout the attack .  Several hundred teen agers were milling in and out of the Hauman 17 club in South Tel Aviv for a back-to-school party. The assailant was captured after a ...

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Pro-Al Qaeda brigades control Qaddafi Tripoli strongholds seized by rebels
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 28, 2011, 11:47 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Libya   Muammar Qaddafi   Al Qaeda   Tripoli   NATO   NTC 
Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj, pro-Al Qaeda LIFG chief


Members of the Al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group – LIFG, are in control of the former strongholds of Muammar Qaddafi captured by Libyan rebels last Sunday, Aug. 21,DEBKAfile reports from Libyan sources. Their chief Abd Al-Hakim Belhadj, an al Qaeda veteran from Afghanistan, now calls himself "Commander of the Tripoli Military Council." A US source confirms that NATO's British and French special forces opened Tripoli's door to the rebels. Now, the LIFG is unlikely to relinquish power to the NTC.


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Egypt hires Sinai Bedouin militias to combat Palestinian, al Qaeda terror
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 27, 2011, 1:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Egypt   Israel   Sinai Bedouin  Terrorism   Gaza 
At home with the Sawarka tribe in Sinai


The Egyptian army is negotiating deals with 13 Bedouin tribal chiefs for setting up militias to secure their territories in Sinai and the Israeli border region against raiders, terrorists and smugglers. On offer are new weapons, training and monthly paychecks for undertaking this task. The Sawarka and Tiyaha tribal chiefs have accepted. Sinai's Bedouin population of approximately 100,000 might produce a fighting force of 8,000-10,000,DEBKAfile's military sources estimate, but their loyalties tend to be changeable.


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Iran stirs up new conflict: Its Iraqi terrorist arm shoots Scuds at Kuwait
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 26, 2011, 9:52 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Kuwait   Iraqi Hizballah   Iran  Iraq 
Kuwait's Grand Mubarak Port under construction


Three Scud missiles flying from Iraq to Kuwait early Friday, Aug. 26 were launched by the Iran-backed Ketaeb Hizballah of Iraq. They exploded harmlessly, but DEBKAfile's sources report that the first such attack since the US 2003 invasion of Iraq carried a warning to Kuwait: Halt construction of the Grand Mubarak Port opposite the Iraqi shore - or else face a destructive barrage. It was also the first time any Middle East terrorist group had used Scud missiles.


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IDF: Egyptian frontier on peak alert, no longer a border of peace
DEBKAfile Special Report
August 24, 2011, 10:17 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Israel   Egypt   Palestinian Jihad Islami   Terror   missile attacks   Sinai 
Israel's frontier with Egypt - once a peace border


Israeli units on the Egyptian frontier went on peak alert Wednesday night, Aug. 24, following specific intelligence that Palestinian Jihad Islami was set to launch another cross-border attack from Sinai. Earlier Wednesday, Gen. Benny Gantz, Chief of Staff announced that Israel's Defense Forces were no longer treating the Egyptian frontier as a border of peace because of new threats. The new situation was exemplified by the terrorist attacks Palestinian gunmen launched from Egyptian Sinai on Aug. 8 killing eight Israeli civilians and injuring forty.


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Qaddafi flees Tripoli with family. Guerrilla and/or tribal warfare feared next
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 23, 2011, 10:04 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Libya   Muammar Qaddafi   Libyan rebels   NATO   Bab al-Aziziya 
Qaddafi knocked off his pedestal


Muammar Qaddafi, family and elite are reported byDEBKAfile's military sources to have abandoned their Bab al Aziziya fortress early Tuesday, Aug. 23, using Saif al-Islam's surreal appearance before foreign reporters earlier in the day to cover their escape. They are believed to have exited the compound through one of the underground tunnels of the compound's military complex. But regional intelligence experts are frankly baffled by the enigma of the overnight disappearance without a trace of Qaddafi's army divisions. 


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Netanyahu accepts ceasefire to placate Egypt, leaves Jihad Islami for later
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 22, 2011, 1:11 AM (GMT+02:00)
Gen. Meir Eshel obtains Gaza ceasefire in Cairo


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ruled Sunday, Aug. 21, that his first priority is to grant Egypt's military rulers the kudos for brokering a ceasefire in the Gaza missile war  – and deal later with the Palestinian Jihad Islami which fired most of the 100 missiles exploding in Israel from Gaza in the last four days. DEBKAfile: He was wrong: Cairo will come back for more concessions under Muslim Brotherhood pressure; Jihad Islami and its masters, Tehran and Hizballah, remain free to restart missile fire any time.


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Tehran pulls strings of Gaza missile war through proxy Jihad Islami 
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 21, 2011, 11:02 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Iran   Gaza   Israel   US   Egypt   Palestinian Jihad Islami 
Iran's trap for Israel on Eilat Highway


The role of Iran and Hizballah in manipulating the ongoing Palestinian war on Israel from Gaza is now manifest,DEBKAfile's military sources report. They planned, orchestrated and funded the coordinated attacks on the Eilat Highway Thursday, Aug. 18 and its sequel: volleys of 90 missiles launched day and night from Gaza against a million Israeli civilians. The Netanyahu government hesitates to send the IDF to stop the missiles flying from Gaza lest the same aggressors open another front leading to a regional war.


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DEBKA-Net-Weekly    A sampling from past issues
The Potential for War Ripping through the Mid East
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #505
August 19, 2011
Tags:  Bashar Assad   Syria   Hillary Clinton  Iran   Turkey   Saudi Arabia   NATO 


After ruling out direct military intervention, most governments concerned in the drive to oust Bashar Assad find that arming the rebels and pumping thousands of Sunni volunteers into Syria are the only feasible option.  But before this plan is up and running, he is expected to preemptively employ the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah for heating up the Lebanese-Israel border or even spark an all-out conflagration between the two long-time foes which ...

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Saudi Abdullah and Obama are talking
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #505
August 19, 2011
Saudi King Abdullah and Turkish President Abdullah Gul


Saudi Arabia, which embarked on building a strategic Sunni Muslim bloc six months ago, has done a lot better in a shorter time than even king Abdullah's strategic and intelligence advisers predicted. Harnessing Turkey, a major military power and NATO member, to their grouping is an unforeseen windfall.   By jumping aboard the Saudi grouping Turkey opened the door to rapprochement between King Abdullah and President Obama. They talked last week for the first time in months ...

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Asif Shawqat Rises from a Double Purge
DEBKA-Net-Weekly  #504
August 12, 2011
Tags:  Syria   Bashar Assad   Asif Shawqat 
Ali Habib


The House of Assad has seized all-inclusive control of the ferocious assault on the opposition by getting rid of one general, defense minister Ali Habib, promoting another, chief of staff Dawoud Rajha, in his place, and so removing all the obstacles in the path of the president's brother-in-law Deputy Army chief Asif Shawqat for taking complete charge of the war on whole Syrian cities in the name of the ruling family.


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US defuses Egyptian-Israeli crisis: Egypt may post troops in E. Sinai
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 21, 2011, 12:53 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Egypt   Israel   Sinai   Palestinian terror   Camp David Peace Treaty   US 
Field Marshall Muhammad Tantawi sought revision of Camp David accords


Intense diplomatic efforts by Washington Saturday, Aug. 20, have produced a compromise for resolving the Egyptian-Israeli crisis - moments before their 1979 peace accord was overturned. Cairo agreed not to recall the Egyptian ambassador from Israel, whereas the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak apologized publicly for the deaths of three Egyptian policemen.  DEBKAfile discloses: Israeli also agreed to renegotiate the treaty's Sinai demilitarization clause banning an Egyptian troop presence.


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At least 7 Israelis killed, 33 injured in terrorist attacks near Eilat 
DEBKAfile Special Report
August 18, 2011, 4:47 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Terror   Eilat   Al Qaeda   Sinai Bedouin   Egypt 
Israel bus attacked near Eilat


Israel goes on highest terror alert after a string of terrorist attacks still ongoing near the Israeli-Egyptian border north of Eilat Thursday, Aug. 18 left seven Israeli soldiers and civilians dead and 33 injured. Five servicemen are in critical condition. Assailants from Sinai used automatic and anti-tank weapons, mortars and roadside bombs for attacks on two buses and civilian and military vehicles on Highway 12. All three gunmen who attacked the bus were located and killed in a firefight with Israeli police. More are sought.


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Israel sets up "September Commands" though no intel on Palestinian disorders
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 12, 2011, 12:56 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Israel   Palestinians   UN  Intelligence   West Bank 
Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz


Israel's military, police and Shin Bet security service are drilling extreme scenarios of possible Palestinian disturbances, mass rallies or even terrorist attacks in September – although there is no specific intelligence of a security threat in the offing. The authorities have also set up "September Command Centers" so as not to be caught off guard. The intelligence updates fed them on Palestinian activities contain no signs so far of organized Palestinian preparations for disorders beyond some talk at local Fatah cell level.


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Iran's new Hamas commando brigade in Gaza
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
July 31, 2011, 9:04 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Hamas   Gaza   IRGC's Al Qods  Israel 
Hamas' first commando unit set up by Iran


A team of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) officers has just finished setting up Hamas' first commando unit especially trained to combat any Israel military force entering the Gaza Strip, DEBKAfile's military sources report. The new "Al Qods Brigades" unit of 400 men is to be the first of three. The urban guerrilla tactics imparted to Hamas drew heavily on the experience Al Qods is gaining in Syria, where its experts help President Bashar Assad crack down on protest.


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